Friday 4 June 2010


It was a long bank holiday, I had no internet connection, my fingers were swolen so I couldn't type......Yes excuses , excuses, excuses.

I thought I had gotten away from those, i.e. no excuse not to exercise, not to get out and walk, yet the weekend, together with some social commitments, and then a European business trip to Copenhagen and Zurich, meant no exercise :-(, this then makes me feel guilty about blogging....

Anyway back at the gym this morning, managed the 3 miles again - so now need to push up next week. As for the walking, will definitely make time for one this weekend, then need to consider some bigger challenges.

There is now a facebook site for the Killi trip, and as a result I have several connections from peopel on the trip with us, and they are all talking about their training - long hikes up hills etc - so I am definitely feeling a bit under prepared.

So just normal walking this weekend - then will think about some challenge after the holidays - yes I go to Portugal in a week - so that will also cause blog black spot - stay with me - I promise to make it more interesting the nearer we get :-)

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