Friday 8 October 2010

This time next week

So down to 7 days to go, and if you read this blog in one weeks time I will be packed, ready to go.....

Currently my kit looks like this..

As you can see some tidying up to do, and I still haven't weighed it. I have 20Kg limit in the hold and 15Kg hand luggage I believe! So let's hope I am under that, as I am sure I will have forgotten things.

Final Rabies and Hep B last night - I think I am finally getting used to injections, I also have the prescription for the Malarone, anti malaria tablets, which I need to start taking on Wednesday, and for safety sake, since my ear is still playing up, a dose of antibiotics to take with me, just in case it flares up.

No gym this morning, I have had a lousy headache for the last day or so, hence stayed in bed this morning for an extra hour, which after some more pain killers seems to have done the trick.

Several people are now asking me how I fell, nervous, excited...... well it is a real mix of emotions right now. On the one hand I am feeling nervous about the preparation or lack I may have done......I am not looking forward to the long haul flight sat in economy - crikes not had to do that for many years, yet I am also excited to get it underway.

So final training this weekend, then just count down the days.........

p.s. more sponsorship is coming in - so thanks to all of you who are adding to the total, it is really appreciated, and if you haven't dipped in your pockets yet - don't delay .......


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