Sunday 24 October 2010

Thanks to all

So here you go, the proof that I was hoping for and without the help of PhotoShop. The summit of Kilimanjaro.

Yes on Friday morning I finally made it up there, and pretty much on time, reaching the crater rim as the sun rose over the horizon and then reaching the actual peak a short distance afterwards.

I will post some further details of the trip during the week but just wanted to say a few thanks to all of you who have followed the blog, supported the charity and made this happen. By the time we get all the money in I am hoping we will be in excess of 6,000 pounds, so if you haven't donated yet, please follow the link to the virgin giving site.

My thanks also to all those who have supported in other ways.


p.s. after the travel back, taking nearly 24 hours in total, I am a touch shattered......

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