Wednesday, 6 October 2010

days to go.........

So no walking last night, as my early evening ended up in me and the chainsaw cutting through a fair amount of wood that was waste from the current BIE reception work. Solid stuff, but the two of us managed to get through it.

Having checked my kit list I am now just short of a lighter....what do I need a lighter for I hear you ask....well that is so I can burn the loo roll I am taking with me .. after use. I do hope you weren't eating when you read that, or that you now have a rather ugly mental picture....actually I don't think the smell will be that good either.......

So since weight is an issue, no not mine, I am thinking that it may be advisable to travel in some of the clothes I would use for the trek, but then I am thinking is that advisable if I going ot be wearing it for the next 10 days....... So bit more thought his week in to travel clothing....also we do have half a day in Moshi at the end of the trek to go into the village, sightsee! and look around the local markets, again I am thinking - oh what should I wear as all my trekking gear will no doubt be filthy and smell rather unpleasant.

So walk will either have to be Thursday or Friday........

I also have a fair few jobs to do around the house before I go as well.....

Today in the gym I skipped the treadmill, and cross trained for 20 minutes then on the bike for 30 mins before doing weights and sit ups. So feeling ok after that.

My new contact lenses are working great, so yesterday I ordered some UV sunglasses. I am thinking I will use my lenses for so many day then switch to glasses on the final summit, as I doubt I will have the energy to take them out.......

anyway must go, as I now need to go find a lighter.....

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