Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Today must be Tuesday

So tonight I am in sunny Amsterdam.................

Fantastic I here you say......

Well it would be if I wasn't on my own, and I was somewhere near Amsterdam, where in fact I am in Amstelveen........

Yes my hotel is on the side of a busy road, a short walk to the Brother office, but rather a longer distance to the centre.  So tonight I am enjoying a steak with salad, the restaurant closed but they were very good and offered to make this for me, I am sat outside (in fact if you look closely at the photo you may see me), and I have to admit to enjoying a lager.

No training today, I wasn't up for 3 days in the gym on the run when I feel full of vaccine, which the nurse did advise would make me feel "off colour", in fact it did make something "off colour", but thankfully I could flush it away on several occasions........

So next training opportunity will be Thursday am.

I have had another possible sponsor lined up today, which is good, and I think I may have convinced a certain Yorkshire man to hold a collection at his party the same day we land in Tanzania. The more the better I say.

So my steak has arrived, I must go......

....my steak is still here, I am hopingit may get more tender than  my shoe by letting it rest.....

still resting.........

since when did a slice of pineapple suddenly become a side salad ?

ok I am having shoe leather and pineapple.....at least the lager is good!

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