Thursday, 5 August 2010

Thursday already

The remainder of my trip to Holland was uneventful, my flight was even early, so I was home by just after 6 pm, not managed that in a long time. An offer from Rob to go for a walk which I turned down, as dinner was going to be ready for 7.30. Rob how far did you get?

Today back to the gym did 3.5 miles in 30 mins on the treadmill, a few weights, rowed 1500m, then cross trained, so I feel well worked out. The vaccines effects seems to be disappearing other than glands under my arms that feel like I have stones under them.

Yesterday I got told I can get the Yellow Fever jab and certificate for £48, and I can go next week, so looks like more needles, however this appears to be the only fee I will pay, they were great at my local GP, a big up for Nurse Sue, who even has done my Rabies injection on prescription.

So I am now protected from monkey bites, and according to Sue the nurse, just in case I am stuck in the airport automatic doors with a dog!

As for Monday's injections I am now quite thankful for the tetanus booster, after the cat decided my hand looked like a mouse and tried to shred it with her claws...... lovely @*&***& cat.

So weekend away at my parents, which will involve a round of golf - that is walking isn't it............

 but probably not much more exercise...... so maybe a walk on Sunday evening when I get home......

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