Thursday, 20 May 2010


Using iodine to disinfect drinking water is apparenlty a long standing practice throughout the world, routinely used by outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, military personnel, disaster survivors and emergency respondents. When used for short periods, and with the correct dosage, it has been considered safe.

However, as usual, having not a lot better to do, the European Union banned it's use.

So alternate ways of dsinfecting your water are required.

While at the equipment shop on Saturday I was politely advised that all the new tablets used made your water taste like dettol, and even if you use flavouring crystals / additives it just tastes like diluted detol.

Recommendation, try and find someone who has some.

Well I won't publicly reveal sources, but i came across a supplier, and when I got home yesterday, there was my iodine ready for disinfecting my water. Need to try it out now, make sure it does taste ok.

I would be interested to know how other people are disinfecting their water and what the results are like. Yes there are filter pumps, but I have read varying things about the reliability, plus they are expensive, and knowing me will break on the second day!

If you want to know where it is still available, drop me a line

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