Tuesday, 25 May 2010

3 Miles

So last week I explained that I need to start building up the distance I could run, so today I hit the dizzy length of 3 miles, now for your marathon runners out there (Mr Appleby) - this is just a warm up, but for some of us, we find it a bit harder going......I reckon if I was going to me doing a marathon I would definitely need all day.

So done two consecutive days at the gym to cope with the social arrangements this week, so Wednesday may be a walk as opposed to a gym session.

Back to walking, on Sunday since I had hiked 9 miles, I thought it would be good to get back out there a walk again. This time not as far just a couple of hours gentle stroll, that ended with a visit to the Lymefield garden centre and the purchase of 5 tomato plants.

So the ear infection appears to be clearing up, but it is still bleeding which is a bit unfortunate as if it won't clear I am going to end up back at the doctors :-( I have quite enough of these antibiotics already.....

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